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Terms of Use
● Open Sesame網站使用範圍與法律限制
This site is offered to you on the condition that you accept all of these terms of use. By using this site, you agree to abide by these terms. If you do not agree to these terms, please discontinue your use of this site immediately.
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Open Sesame授權允許您查看及下載此網站 ("站台") 上的資料,但只能個人使用,不可有商業用途。Sesame所使用之軟體或程式、網站上所有內容,包括但不限於著作、圖片、檔案、資訊、資料、網站架構、網站畫面的安排、網頁設計,均由Open Sesame或其他權利人依法擁有其智慧財產權,包括但不限於商標權、專利權、著作權、營業秘密與專有技術等。任何人不得在未經書面同意下,部份或全部使用、修改、重製、公開播送、改作、散布、發行、公開發表、進行還原工程、解編或反向組譯。尊重智慧財產權是您應盡的義務,如有違反,您應對Open Sesame負損害賠償責任(包括但不限於訴訟費用及律師費用等)。
This site is owned and operated by the Open Sesame. All materials on this site are the copyrighted property of Open Sesame, its subsidiaries, affiliated companies and/or licensors. All trademarks, service marks and trade names are owned by Open Sesame, its subsidiaries, affiliated companies and/or licensors.
You may view and download materials from this site only on a single computer for your personal, noncommercial use, provided that you do not remove any copyright or other legal notices from any material downloaded from the site.
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Open Sesame 歡迎您對本公司相關智慧財產品提供改善建議或做提升教學之修改。若您想修改網路上我們所提供的課程規劃、教學品管工具或其他智慧財產品,必須依Open Sesame智慧分想辦法取得Open Sesame的事前書面同意,並同意將修改後的文件提供給中華兒少英語研究發展學會會員免費使用。
Open Sesame welcomes you to provide the improvement suggestion to the documents we provide on line. Any modification of documents, provided by Open Sesame Co. freely, need to feed back to Asian Young Learner’s English Research & Development Association  members.
● 使用者義務
請承諾絕不為任何非法目的或以任何非法方式使用Open Sesame,並承諾遵守中華民國相關法規及一切使用網際網路之國際慣例。您若係中華民國以外之使用者,並同意遵守所屬國家或地域之法令。任何非法性、危險性、誹謗性、破壞性、猥褻的、色情的或其他違法資料,都禁止傳輸或從此網站散佈出去。
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此網站所提供與協力廠商網站的連結服務只是為了方便您而設立的。若使用這些連結,您將會離開此網站。Open Sesame並未審核這些協力廠商所有的網站,而且不控制、也不為這些網站或其內容負責。因此,Open Sesame 不為這些網站內容、網站中的任何資訊、軟體、其他產品、資料等背書或說明,亦不對使用後所產生的後果負責。
As a convenience for Users, the site contains links and pointers to Internet sites maintained by third parties. Open Sesame and its suppliers do not operate or control, in any respect, or necessarily endorse the content found on such third-party sites. You assume sole responsibility for your use of third-party links and pointers.
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Open Sesame makes no representation that the materials contained in the site are appropriate or authorized to use in all countries, states, provinces, counties or any other jurisdictions. If you choose to access this site, you do so on your own initiative and risk and you are responsible for compliance with all applicable laws.
● 準據法與管轄法院
  此網站由 Open Sesame台灣總公司所管理。Open Sesame 未曾聲稱其網站所含資訊在中華民國境外亦可適當使用,並禁止任何人從視此類資訊為非法的地域/國家進入Open Sesame網站。您不可以違反相關法律規定來使用、出口或再出口本站資訊或其複本資料。若您選擇自中華民國境外進入此網站,您須遵守當地相關法律,以示自行負責。本約定書之解釋與適用,以及與本約定書有關的爭議,均應依照中華民國法律予以處理,並以台灣台北地方法院為第一審管轄法院。
This Agreement is governed by the laws of the Taiwan, ROC, without regard to conflicts of law provisions. You consent to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of courts in Taipei, Taiwan, O.R.C. in all disputes arising out of or relating to the use of the Site. Use of the Site is unauthorized in any jurisdiction that does not give effect to all provisions of these terms and conditions, including without limitation this paragraph.
● 一般規定
Open Sesame得隨時更新網站內容,以及修訂上述條款。您應隨時瀏覽本網頁以了解效力及於您的最新條款。上述條款中之特定項目,可因本站相關網頁之明確法令規範而有變更。
Open Sesame reserves the right to make any and all changes to the Site at its sole discretion without notice to users. Open Sesame reserves the right to deny access to the Site to anyone at any time, and to terminate this Agreement at any time without notice in its sole discretion.

附註: 任何與 Open Sesame 網站連結的人必須遵循所有適用法律。
